I workout too

Judging by all of my posts so far, it seems I like to cook, eat, and talk. Which is very true but I also exercise, I promise. I figure, since I am trying to set an example for other women as how to live a healthy/healthier life, I better show the other (sweatier) part of the equation too.

It is my goal to get a good workout in 5 times a week, only because that is what feels good to me and it fits my personal schedule. This week for example: Monday morning I felt like moving my tushie so I did a little walk/jog on the treadmill for 30 minutes. That evening I went to the gym and did a 45 minute shoulder strength training session along with 10 minutes of rowing. Yesterday evening I went to the gym and did a leg workout (I will share below). Again this morning I felt chipper and hopped on the stationary bike for 20 minutes. I might hit the gym tonight for some chest, bicep, and tricep action. Tomorrow will be a rest day. I have a weekly “schedule” for my workouts written down on my calendar. I don’t strictly abide by it, but it helps me get organized and stay on track for the week. It also helps make sure I plan in rest between muscle groups. Plans change and things come up, so I am flexible and fit my workouts in around my life, not the other way around. Exercising is a positive thing in my life. I enjoy it. I like to look at as a reward, not a punishment.

Work them Leggies & Glutes!


Warm up: (I like to get my blood flowing and muscles warm and ready!)

5 minute brisk walk on treadmill or elliptical

1 minute walking Lunges

20 body weight squats


Cable kickbacks 4 sets 15 reps each leg

Cable side leg raises 3 sets 10 reps each leg

Cable high knee raises 4 sets 20 reps each leg

Single Leg Extensions (machine)  4 sets 1o reps each leg

Weighted Squats 4 sets 10 reps

Glute Bridge with Hamstring Curl 4 sets 15-20 reps

Step Ups with High knee raises (with dumbbells) 4 sets 20 reps each leg

Burn Baby Burn!

I never do “cardio”  right after Ive done a leg workout because well, my legs are jello, haha. Although I do like to cycle out (light effort) on the stationary bike for 10 minutes after I work my legs, it seems to help loosen my legs up and reduces stiffness and soreness later on. I also stretch and foam roll when possible.

*The weight you use will depend on your fitness and comfort level. It should be heavy enough that is challenging; you should struggle getting through your last set, but it shouldn’t be so heavy that you compromise your form. You risk injury that way. If you are just starting out, start lighter until you master the form and your body feels comfortable with the move, then shift your focus on upping the weights.

(Now Remember, I am not a certified professional trainer. I am merely sharing what I do/have done, I am not proposing that this workout or anything else I say or do will be the best idea for you and your situation. Do your research.)


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